Monday, August 17, 2015

First night on board

It's 4:15 in the morning on August 17th and I finally gave up trying to sleep.  I'm in the NGO lounge trying to take advantage of it's empty state to upload a few photos from yesterday.  WIFI is clearly going to be a challenge.  Last night was a disaster.  My bunk, which is on the top of three tiers, is a coffin-like space.  I can't sit up and my head and toes can touch the ends if I stretch.  I can't roll over without careful maneuvering to avoid falling over the edge to the deck below.  I was separated from the woman in the 3rd tier bunk in the row next to me by a panel of thin sheet metal.  She kept snuggling up to the panel which flexed and twanged loudly.  I have two snoring neighbors and a cold air vent blew my curtain open and blasted my head all night. After awhile I started thinking about being on the lowest deck and how that must mean we were under water.  Next I was imagining sounds of water sloshing around on the floor - well almost.  Anyway, you get the picture.  At some point today I need to search the designated Op Smile bunks and see if there are any unclaimed, first level, wide, soft, quiet ones elsewhere in the "female berthing area."

So to clarify the morning routine: We have no wakeup call, but have to be at muster (headcount) in the OR area at 6:30.  The Navy takes this seriously, as they should, to be sure everyone on the boat is accounted for.  There are musters all over the ship for various groups.  Surgery starts at 7:30. Breakfast is from 5:00 to 6:30. There are very limited showers and bathrooms. So, as Ryan, our pc put it, "get up at whatever hour you need to in order to be ready for muster at 6:30 and the OR at 7:30."  None of this looks like it will be a problem for me.

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